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Renal Replacement therapy in the ICU Dr. H. Sudarshan Ballal. M.D.FRCPChairman – Medical Advisory Board &Medical DirectorManipal Health Enterprises Pvt LtdManipal Hospitals, Bangalore
Outline • AKI in the ICU• Principles of RRT• Modes of RRT• Indications for RRT• Optimal timing: When to start • Optimal modality: What Modality and Where ??• Optimal dosing- How Much?• Summary and Conclusions
AKI in the ICU
AKI in the ICU• AKI is common in the ICU• Depending on definition of AKI, up to 50-60% of patients in the ICU have AKI• Up to 70% of these will require RRT• Independent risk factor for mortality: 50 - 60% mortality in critically ill
AKI in the ICUMortality remains unchanged
Treatment success or Treatment failure ??? AKI in the ICU
RIFLE and AKIN Classification for AKI
AKI in the ICU• Treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI) is principally supportive• Renal replacement therapy (RRT) indicated in patients with severe kidney injury. • Goal: optimization of fluid status ,maintain metabolic, nutritional & electrolyte balance• Multiple modalities of RRT :– Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD), – Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies (CRRTs)– Peritoneal dialysis– Hybrid therapies, ie Sustained Low-Efficiency Dialysis (SLED), Renal assist device ( RAD )
Principles of RRT
• Movement of Solutes from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration• Dialysis uses a semi permeable membrane for selected diffusionDiffusionDiffusion: The movement of solutes from a higher to a lower solute concentration area.
Ultrafiltration• Movement of FLUIDS through a membrane caused by pressure gradient• Positive, negative and osmotic pressure from non-permeable solutesUltrafiltration: The movement of fluid through a membrane caused by a pressure gradient.positive pressure negative pressure
Convection• Movement of SOLUTES with a water flow, “solvent drag”.Convection: The movement of solutes with a water-flow,“solvent drag”, e.g., the movement of membrane-permeable solutes with ultrafiltered water.
Modes of RRT
Modes of RRT• Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD)• Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT)• Peritoneal dialysis• Hybrid therapies, like SLED , Renal tubule Assist device ( RAD )
Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD)• Oldest and most common technique• Primarily diffusive treatment: blood and dialysate are circulated in countercurrent manner – Also some fluid removal by ultrafiltration due to pressure driving through circuit• Best for removal of small molecules• Typically performed 4 hours 3x/wk or daily
Continuous Renal Replacement TherapyDefined as– “Any extracorporeal blood purification therapy intended to substitute for impaired renal function over an extended period of time and applied for or aimed at being applied for 24 hours /day.”Bellomo R., Ronco C., Mehta R, Nomenclature for Continuous RenalReplacement Therapies, AJKD, Vol 28, No. 5, Suppl 3, November 1996
Introduction to CRRT • Group of words– Continuous– Renal– Replacement– Therapy• Describes a group of Therapies– SCUF– CVVH– CVVHD– CVVHDF
SummaryAccessReturnEffluentReplacement(pre or post dilution)AccessReturnEffluentAccessReturnEffluentDialysateReplacement(pre orpost dilution)I AccessReturnEffluentDialysateSCUFCVVHCVVHDCVVHDF
• Extended daily dialysis (EDD) or slow continuous dialysis (SCD)• Hybrid therapy: IRRT at lower blood and dialysate flows for prolonged times (Usually ≥ 6 hrs)• Uses conventional dialysis machines• Flexibility of duration and intensity• Major advantages: flexibility, reduced costs, low or absent anticoagulationSustained low-efficiency daily dialysis (SLEDD)
Renal Tubule Assist Device (RAD)•Despite the ability of HD and PD to filter the blood of excess solutes and water, these therapies are unable to mimic the normal kidney's ability to secrete vital endocrine and immunologic factors, reabsorb and metabolize. •A bioartificial kidney - uses a patient's own cells in an artificial structure - would fulfil functions unaddressed by current dialysis. •Currently under the research of Dr. David Humes is in clinical trials for ACUTE renal failure. The Renal Assist Device (RAD) hopes to carry out those functions neglected by simple hemofiltration, and improve the current mortality rate.
Renal Tubule Assist Device (RAD)Light micrograph of a hematoxylin and eosin stained section of a hollow fiber with a confluent monolayer of porcine renal proximal tubule cells along the inner surface of the fiber.
Public Release: 4-Mar-2008 Renal Assist Device' reduces risk of death from acute kidney failure Cell-filled device temporarily replaces renal tubule function AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY•40 of 58 patients with AKI were randomly assigned to treatment with the RAD, in addition to standard renal replacement therapy. •Outcomes were significantly better for AKI patients treated with the RAD. After one month, 33 percent of patients in the RAD group had died, compared to 61 percent of those treated with renal replacement therapy only. •Patients who received the RAD were also more likely to be alive after six months. The risk of death was about 50 percent lower in the RAD group.•Patients in the RAD group also had a shorter time to return of kidney function. Overall, kidney function recovered in 53 percent of patients with RAD, compared to 28 percent without RAD. In both groups, about 20 percent of patients survived but never recovered kidney function, requiring chronic dialysis.
Indications for RRT
Indications for RRT1. Renal Replacement :Acute management of life-threatening complications of AKI:• A: Metabolic acidosis (pH less than 7.1) • E: Electrolytes -- Hyperkalemia (K >6.5 meq/L) or rapidly rising K) • I: Ingestion -- Certain alcohol and drug intoxications • O: Refractory fluid overload • U: Uremia, ie. pericarditis, neuropathy, decline in mental status 2. Renal Support: RRT even before any of the complications arise
Timing of initiation of RRT
Timing of CRRT• This is a very important issue and traditionally dialysis is started when standard indications for dialysis like volume overload or solute removal become necessary.• However recent data suggests that early initiation of CRRT improves patient outcome
Optimum ModalityContinuous vs Intermittent dialysis
Continuous vs Intermittent dialysis • Ongoing debate• Theoretical benefits to both• At least 7 RCTs and 3 meta-analyses have not demonstrated difference in outcome– Meta analysis of 9 randomized trials: No effect on mortality (OR 0.99) or recovery to RRT independence (OR 0.76). Bagshaw et al Crit Care Med 2008, 36:610-617– Suggestion that continuous RRT had fewer episodes of hemodynamic instability and better control of fluid balance • May be preferable in specific subpopulations
• Better preservation of cardiovascular function and maintenance of hemodynamic stability• Prevents the surge in intracranial pressure associated with intermittent therapies- hence useful in neurosurgical patient and acute liver failure.• Effective in clearance of middle molecules• Useful in removal of immunomodulatory substances in sepsis like endotoxin, interleukin-1, etc• Permits protein rich nutritional support with a neutral nitrogen balance preventing protein malnutrition• Clinical benefits– ? Better survival– ? Better renal recoveryPro-continuous RRT
Pro-continuous RRT • Specific patient populations who may benefit from CRRT– Hemodynamic instability– Combined acute renal and hepatic failure• Improved CV instability and intracranial pressure– Acute brain injury• Decreased cerebral edema
Pro-intermittent RRT • Practicality and flexibility– Uses same machines as chronic HD– Multiple pts per day– Easier to mobilize pts• Less expensive than CRRT (by about ½)• Fewer bleeding complications– CRRT requires continuous anticoagulation• Less filter clotting• Superior solute clearance, more rapid removal of toxins (due to higher flows)
Pro-intermittent RRT • Specific patient populations benefitting from IRRT:– High bleeding risk• ie. after recent surgery– Acute treatment of hyperkalemia, rhabdomyolysis, poisoning, tumor lysis syndrome
Is SLEDD the answer?• Hybrid therapy with flexibility of duration and intensity• SLEDD vs CRRT• Major advantages: flexibility, reduced costs, low or absent anticoagulation• Similar adequacy and hemodynamics• One small study showed slightly higher acidosis and lower BP (Baldwin et al 2007)• VA/NIH ATN trial (Palevsky et al; NEJM 2008) suggests similar outcomes as CRRT and IRRT. • Extended Daily Dialysis Versus Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury: A Meta-analysis: Am J kidney Dis 2015 Aug;66(2):322-30: EDD is associated with similar outcomes to CRRT in RCTs
Optimal dosing of CRRT
•CONVINT TRIAL -Single-center prospective RCT including 252 critically ill patients with dialysis-dependent ARF . Patients were randomized to receive either daily IHD or CVVH. •The primary outcome measure was survival at 14 days .Secondary outcome measures included 30-day,ICU and intra hospital mortality, as well as course of disease severity/biomarkers and need for organ-support therapy.•Results: Survival rates at 14 days after RRT were 39.5% (IHD) versus 43.9% (CVVH).14-day-, 30-day, and all-cause intra hospital mortality rates were not different between the two groups (all P > 0.5). •Conclusions: No statistically significant differences was observed between the treatment modalities regarding mortality, renal-related outcome measures, or survival at 14 days after RRT. CONVINT TRIAL
AKI and CKD - Interplay AKI CKD
DOES CRRT Offers Better Acute Kidney Injury Outcomes????
Does CRRT Offers Better Acute Kidney Injury Outcomes???•Patients with AKI treated with IRRT rather than (CRRT) may be more likely to become dialysis dependent.•A systematic review and meta-analysis of 23 studies including 7 (RCTs) with 472 patients and 16 observational studies with3,499 patients concluded that Overall, initial treatment with IRRT was associated with a 1.7 times increased relative risk for dialysis dependence compared with CRRT. •Pooled analyses of the RCTs demonstrated no significant difference in dialysis dependent rates between the modalities, but pooled analyses of the observational studies showed that patients who initially received IRRT had a twofold increased risk of dialysis dependence compared with CRRT.
Summary & Conclusions
SUMMARY•Recent multicenter RCTs have failed to confirm earlier trials suggesting benefit of higher CRRT dose in critically ill•Several differences exist among the various CRRT dose/outcome trials ,effluent dose ,convective contribution , dilution mode and timing of initiation •A “One size fits All” approach makes it very difficult to establish a standard CRRT modality and dose in an individual patient
SUMMARY•May be its time to say good bye to any more CRRT- high dose versus low dose ; CRRT versus IHD trials because hundreds of studies, including multicentre RCT’s, meta-analysis have not shown a clear benefit of one over the other•The choice of RRT in the critically ill is best left to the clinicians handling these patients depending on the condition of the patients, infrastructure, expertise and funds available in a given situation.
Suggested Reading •Intensity of Renal Support in Critically Ill Patients with Acute Kidney Injury :The VA/NIH Acute Renal Failure Trial Network. N Engl J Med 2008; 359:7-20•Intensity of Continuous Renal-Replacement Therapy in Critically Ill Patients:The RENAL Replacement Therapy Study Investigators N Engl J Med 2009; 361:1627-1638•A comparison of early versus late initiation of renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis : Karvellas et al. Critical Care 2011, 15:R72•Dialysis: Results of RENAL—what is the optimal CRRT target dose? John A. Kellum & Claudio Ronco: Nature Reviews Nephrology 6, 191-192 (April 2010) •The effect of continuous versus intermittent renal replacement therapy on the outcome of critically ill patients with acute renal failure (CONVINT): a prospective randomized controlled trial. Schefold JC, von Haehlin et al Crit Care. 2014 Jan 10;18(1):R11. •Extended Daily Dialysis Versus Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury: A Meta-analysis. Am J Kidney Dis :2015 Aug;66(2):322-30
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