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PLANTS• Phytotoxicology• Active Principle
CASTOR• Botanical Name Ricinus Communis• Common Name Castor, Arand
CASTOR• Active Principle Ricin (toxalbumin)
CASTOR• Uses Purgative Lubricant
CASTOR• Fatal Dose 5-10 raw seeds 1 mg/kg of Ricin• Fatal Period 2-7 days
CASTORClinical Features 1) GIT irritation2) Renal3) Skin
CASTORManagement 1) Removal of Unabsorbed poison2) Decrease the absorption3) Increase the excretion4) Antidote5) Symptomatic
CASTORAutopsy Findings 1) Mucosal inflammation2) Mucosal hemorrhage3) Crushed seeds in stomach4) Hemorrhages in organs
CROTON• Botanical Name Croton Tiglium• Common Name Croton, Jamalgota
CROTON• Active Principle Crotin (toxalbumin)
CROTON• Fatal Dose 4-5 raw seeds • Fatal Period 4-6 hours
CROTONClinical Features 1) GIT irritation2) Renal3) Skin
CROTONManagement 1) Removal of Unabsorbed poison2) Decrease the absorption3) Increase the excretion4) Antidote5) Symptomatic
CROTONAutopsy Findings 1) Mucosal inflammation2) Mucosal hemorrhage3) Crushed seeds in stomach4) Hemorrhages in organs
ABRUS• Botanical Name Abrus Precatorius• Common Name Rati, Rosary Pea
ABRUS• Active Principle Abrin (toxalbumin)
ABRUS• Fatal Dose 1-2 raw seeds 90-120 mg Abrin • Fatal Period 3-5 days
ABRUSClinical Features 1) GIT irritation2) Renal3) Skin 4) Eyes
ABRUSManagement 1) Removal of Unabsorbed poison2) Decrease the absorption3) Increase the excretion4) Antidote5) Symptomatic
ABRUSAutopsy Findings 1) Mucosal inflammation2) Mucosal hemorrhage3) Crushed seeds in stomach4) Hemorrhages in organs
CAPSICUM• Botanical Name Capsicum Annum• Common Name Chili, Mirch
CAPSICUM• Active Principle Capsaicin
CAPSICUMClinical Features 1) GIT irritation2) Respiration3) Skin 4) Eyes
MARKING NUT• Botanical Name Semicarpus Anacardium• Common Name Marking nut, Bhilawa
MARKING NUT• Active Principle Semecarpol Bhilawanol
ABRUS• Fatal Dose 5-8 raw seeds 10 gm. marking nut juice • Fatal Period 12-24 hours MARKING NUT
ABRUSClinical Features 1) GIT irritation2) Skin (Artificial bruise) MARKING NUT
ABRUSManagement 1) Removal of Unabsorbed poison2) Decrease the absorption3) Increase the excretion4) Antidote5) SymptomaticMARKING NUT
ABRUSAutopsy Findings 1) Mucosal inflammation2) Oral cavity blisters3) Crushed seeds in stomach4) Hemorrhages in organsMARKING NUT
MADAR• Botanical Name Calotropis Gigantea• Common Name Madar, Akdo
CROTON• Active Principle Calotropin Calotoxin UscharinMADAR
CROTON• Fatal Dose Uncertain • Fatal Period 12-24 hours MADAR
CROTONClinical Features 1) GIT irritation2) Renal3) Skin MADAR
CROTONManagement 1) Removal of Unabsorbed poison2) Decrease the absorption3) Increase the excretion4) Antidote5) SymptomaticMADAR
CROTONAutopsy Findings 1) Mucosal inflammation2) Mucosal hemorrhage3) Crushed seeds in stomach4) Hemorrhages in organsMADAR
ERGOT• Botanical Name Claviceps Purpurea (a parasitic fungus)
CROTON• Active Principle Ergotamine Ergotoxin ErgometrineMADARERGOT
CROTON• Fatal Dose 1 gm. Or more • Fatal Period 24 hours-several days MADARE GOT
CROTONClinical Features 1) ACUTE POISONING(Rare)• GIT• Neuromuscular SystemMADARERGOT
CROTONClinical Features 1) CHRONIC POISONING ERGOTISM St.Anthony’s Fire • Convulsive form• Gangrenous formMADARERGOT
CROTONManagement 1) Removal of Unabsorbed poison2) Symptomatic IV Nitroglycerine or Nitroprusside Oral Prazocin, Captopril, NifedipineMADARERGOT
CROTONAutopsy Findings 1) Mucosal inflammation2) Mucosal hemorrhage3) Particles in stomach4) Gangrene of toesMADARERGOT