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Land Change and Desertification in the South Asembo RegionMiranda RiemerFR3262 Project
• along Lake Victoria shore near highlands of Kenya• extremely impoverished, AIDS, Malaria• polluted and extremely limited water resources• subsistence farming and deforestation to clear new landSouth Asembo Region
• Facing drainage and desertification• Declined 6 feet in the last ten years • Increasing population in the area• Feeds Nile river• Extremely important ecologicallyLake Victoria
• Compare land cover and shoreline over a twenty or so year period• Remote sensing allows us to do this remotely and accurately• Important to understand the effects of population, climate alterations, etc. on large land areas and important water bodies in AfricaThis Project
• Obtained images from Glovis online image search tool• One from 1984, and one from 2008• Chose images with extremely low (<10%) cloud cover, had to avoid ones with disturbances or other issuesImages
1. Images rectified (or so I thought)2. Unsupervised classificationa. 20 classesb. Convergence threshold of 0.950c. 50 max. iterationsd. means along principal axis3. Identified classes4. Thematic Recode5. Picked colors6. Tried to do a change analysisMethods
Results - 1984
Results - 2008
• Lake Victoria shoreline did decline• Natural vegetation and forest areas actually increased over the 24 years• couldn't do a change analysis to get quantitative results of the dataResults
• Images were from two different months- could be why the forested areas were different• Issues with project partner had to be overcome• Learned (and relearned) a lot about ERDAS Imagine - yay!Discussion