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Ontario Chiropractic
• Are common• Can lead to long-term problems• Are easily preventableGardening injuries:
Gardening can be a strenuous activity.• In a recent survey:– 88% of Ontario chiropractors said gardening is among most common causes of back and neck pain during the warm weather season.
• Repetitive strain injuries of the wrist and elbow• Degenerative joint and disk problems and herniated disks in the lower back • Sprain/strain injuries to muscles, especially in the lower back• Wear and tear on joints and muscles• Lead to chronic painImproper gardening techniques can cause:
Through preventive education,chiropractors hope to help gardenersavoid injury.The Ontario Chiropractic Association(OCA) created Plant and Rake Without theAche program.
• Warm up and stretch before you start• Bend your knees to lift with ease• Use the right moves• Use the right tools• Take frequent breaks
• Before you start• Stretch frequently throughout the time in the garden• To cool down when you’re finished
• Get close to the load• Bend knees and keep back straight• Keep load close to your body• Pivot with your feet; don’t twist• Slowly lower load, bending kneesBend at the knees to lift with ease…
• Alternate your tasks• Change hands often• Check your position• Kneel to plant and weed
• Use a hose instead of a watering can• Use a lightweight wheelbarrow or a good cart to move heavy loads• Select tools that are a comfortable weight and size for you• Use long-handled, light-weight tools to avoid bending and twisting.
• Pace yourself• Stay hydrated• Protect yourself – Don’t forget to wear sun block
More InformationOntario Chiropractic Association200-20 Victoria St., Toronto, ON., M5C 2N8Web: www.chiropractic.on.caE-mail: Phone: 416-860-0070 1-877-327-2273